HELP! I have a problem during System Check or on Exam Day

Online Chat Support is your number one resource and is available 24/7. Please be aware that when you start your system checks and/or exam set up, the Online Chat Support assumes you reviewed and followed the Quick Guide information and likely will provide troubleshooting guidance that may or may not work if you did not set up your device correctly per guidance. If you did not follow the Quick Guide information previously, make this clear in your queries to the Online Chat Support.


Contact the Online Support Chat in ProctorExam. Online support is available to help throughout system checks, exam setup and the exam. Please be patient when contacting online support as they are helping multiple candidates and responses may not be immediate. Note: Online support cannot view your screen. Your exam is not being live invigilated. If there is an issue during setup, please provide them with clear examples of the issue you are experiencing.


What if Online Support cannot help me during System Check steps and I wasn’t able to complete a step? The online chat should be able to address your issue to complete successfully. If not, afterwards submit a  Digital Exams Issues form. If you wait 72 hours or less before your exam to complete a system check, we cannot guarantee we will be able to help you resolve your issues in time.


What if Online Support cannot help me during Exam Setup? The online chat should be able to address your issue but if not, please read the prompts on your screen clearly, refer to the WSET RI Candidate Quick Guide if necessary, and/or contact your APP immediately. If in the rare chance no one is available and you are able to continue to your exam, please proceed.  


What if you were unable to complete your exam? Notify your APP and immediately submit a  Digital Exams Issues form.

  • All other issues will be reviewed through the standard exam video review process.


What if one of my devices fails during the exam? If you have pop-ups and redirects enabled, Proctor Exam will notify you on the screen if a device has dropped and provide the necessary instructions to restart it. Please take your time reading instructions provided when you are notified or prompted.


What happens if I lose my internet connection? If you lose your internet connection during the exam, once reconnected you will be able to enter back into the exam by clicking on the link in the exam email. You will be able to resume your exam where you stopped – you will not lose any exam time due to the lost connection. If you lose your internet connection your exam will be flagged by the invigilators and reviewed by WSET.