WSET Level 1-3 exams and results

Here you will find everything you need to know about taking Level 1-3 exams with WSET School London, including what to do if you can’t sit an exam, how to book re-sits, and the results process.

All students should read through this information carefully, but if you have further questions then please do get in touch.

Looking for information about WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines exams and results? Click here.

FAQs about Level 1-3 exams

Who is involved?

  • WSET School London – As your Approved Programme Provider (APP), we plan and deliver your course and host the exams. We also issue you with your results.
  • WSET WSET is the awarding body. They create the papers, mark exams, and issue results to us. They also handle any requests for enquiries/feedback on results.

What exams will I have?

Upon registering for a course with us, you’ll automatically be enrolled onto the exam/s attached to your course. All the details of your exam/s – including location, start time and what to bring – will be emailed to you.

Please note: For some courses, you’ll sit the exam on the final day of the course.

Can exams be taken online?

For online Level 1 and 2 courses, you will take your exam by Remote Invigilation. You’ll receive an email from our Exams Team which provides all the information you need. Please note that all online exams are scheduled in UK time.

Read some information on Remote Invigilation exams.

Watch video tutorials for taking online exams.

What happens if I can’t sit my exam?

You’ll have the best chance of success by sitting your scheduled exam. However, it is possible to transfer or cancel your exam (fees and terms apply).

A minimum of 12 working days’ notice is required to transfer or cancel your exam booking. A £25 admin fee will be applicable for all change requests. For requests received within 12 working days of the exam date, the full exam fee will be payable unless there are extenuating circumstances.

If you choose not to attend your exam and don’t let us know, you will be liable to pay the full exam fee to reschedule your exam.

What if I have extenuating circumstances?

If you’re unable to attend your exam due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the Exams Team at and a form will be sent to you to complete. You will also need to provide supporting evidence. Once received this will be reviewed, a decision will be made and you will be notified.

Can I get extra time or other reasonable adjustments?

It is the policy of WSET that students should not be placed at a disadvantage.

It’s important that you read the relevant pages of your course specification for information on reasonable adjustments.

If you would like to make a request for reasonable adjustments for your exam, please get in touch with our Exams Team before the start of your course.

Can I re-sit an exam?

You have the option to re-sit the exam. You can view upcoming re-sit dates and apply to book onto one using the forms at the top of this page. Please get in touch with if you would like to discuss your options.

Current exam/re-sits fees at WSET School London:



Remote Invigilation (online)

Level 1 £65 £85
Level 2 £100 £110
Level 3 (tasting & theory) £130 n/a
Level 3 (tasting only) £95 n/a
Level 3 (theory only) £95 n/a


It’s not possible to book a re-sit unless you have received a “Fail”. It’s also not possible to re-sit an exam you have passed in order to obtain a higher grade.

Please note:

WSET regularly updates qualification materials to ensure that you are always getting the most up-to-date information. If you need to re-sit an exam for a qualification that has been updated since you studied your course, you will need to do so before the deadline.

If you miss the deadline, you may need to buy the new textbook to study for the exam, as some of the content will differ from your original course.

Taking an exam

FAQs about Level 1-3 results

Once you have completed an in-person exam, your paper is sent to the awarding body for marking. For online exams, your answers will be submitted automatically.

When the results are sent to us, we email them to our students as quickly as we can.

When will I get my results?

  • Level 1-2: Approximately four weeks after the exam
  • Level 3: Approximately 10 weeks after the exam
  • Remote Invigilation: Up to four weeks

Certificates and pins will follow by post once we receive these from the WSET awarding body, which is generally around six weeks after your results.

Please ensure we have your current address. If it’s changed recently, email as soon as possible.

It is your responsibility to update us if you change your delivery address and we cannot accept responsibility for lost certificates as a result of a change of address that we were not informed about. You may be charged a fee if you require a replacement.



Replacement badge (UK) £3
Replacement badge (Europe) £4
Replacement badge (rest of world) £5
Replacement certificate for qualifications post-1990 £32
Replacement certificate for qualifications pre-1990 £60


Can I request feedback or a re-mark?

You can request an enquiry (re-mark) for your exam results and receive feedback. If you would like to do this, please complete this form and pay the associated fee to the WSET awarding body at

You may also request a percentage breakdown. More details here.

WSET pin